Monday, May 9, 2011

Details, Details, Details!

Hello Faithful Followers!

As our trip draws closer, we have so many details to keep in mind.  We are sending the title for our car to the movers tomorrow, having my work goodbye party tomorrow night and then having a "Finish Our Booze" party on Saturday.  Moving overseas, we can only take a few select bottles with us, so we're having a little throw down and giving out half empty (or half full depending on your perspective) bottles as favors.  Aren't we sweet?  "We love you so much that you are getting half a bottle of Butterscotch Shnapps!  Thanks for being such a great friend!!!" 

My last day of work is this Friday and then I'll be starting a 90 day leave of absence.  While part of that is dedicated to moving our car across country and packing out our house, the part when we are actually in Italy will be dedicated to taking an Italian class, exploring the local landscape and day drinking.  It's like the most awesome summer break ever!!  We'll be doing that other boring stuff like finding a house, buying a car and making sure our cats don't get deported, but day drinking is by far the highlight.

We are now T-Minus 9 days from our movers arriving for 2 days of packing and 1 day of hauling things out of our house.  After spending the weekend in New Jersey for Tom's brother, Danny's, wedding, we are now in the craziness of figuring out what is in the drawer in the kitchen we never open, deciding which of my beloved Christmas decorations are going to be in storage for three years and what to do with that junk in the closet upstairs.  We also have to narrow down the closets to find what we can live off of for 2+ months in no more than 4 suitcases.  Tom has already informed me that no, I cannot have a suit case entirely for my shoes.  We'll undoubtedly have a teary goodbye as I send the ones that didn't make the cut into a dark space on the rocky seas.  Don't take it personally, Ann Taylor pumps, I'll wear you again in Italy!!  Your delicate heels won't have to tread on American soil for many years.

Still to come: packing X-Travaganza, getting the kitties two health screenings (one for their flight to Norfolk and one for the flight to Italy), dropping the Civic off to be shipped, Tom attempting to make a stained glass window for his parents, having the carpets, hardwood floors and drapes cleaned, writing a Compendium of the idiosyncrasies of our house for the tenants, cancelling all of our utilities and trying to maintain our sanity.

Wish us luck!  I'll keep you all posted as interesting, ridiculous or both occurs.

Lynne and Tom

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